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Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software

How to add permission in the SmartOAS system?

Steps (Add Permission):

  1.  Navigate to ‘Permissions’ from the sidebar.
  2.  Click on the 'Add Permission' button in the top right corner.
  3.  A new page will be opened with a form containing the following fields:
    1. 'Parent' (You can make this permission as a parent or the child of another permission from here),
    2. 'Sort Order' (Sorting Order),
    3. 'Label' (Name of the permission),
    4. 'URL' (Path of the permission),
    5. 'Sidebar Icon Class' (Class for applying icon),
    6. 'Show in Side Bar Menu' (If you want to show in the sidebar then select 'Yes' else select 'No'),
    7. 'Status' (Can set the status of the permission from here),
    8. 'Set default permission in role' (If you want to add this permission into the role, can do it from here),
    9. 'Short Description' (Brief description of permission).
  4. Fill all the required fields and then click on either of the buttons:
    1. 'Save & Close',
    2. 'Save & New',
    3. 'Reset',
    4. 'Cancel'.


