For Educational Institutes

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For Educational Institutes

SmartOAS for educational institutes & coaching centers

Enables the educational institute and coaching centers to manage their students databases & giving the instant result, reports and other information.

SmartOAS is innovative online examination software to conduct online assessments and practice tests. By using SmartOAS, educational institute and coaching centers are able to manage their databases & giving the instant result information. SmartOAS has many benefits for educational institutes like:

  • SmartOAS can maintain all the students’ login & other details in the database, which are going to participate in an online test/assessment.
  • SmartOAS also provides the students with analytical reports to see their performance in test. Automatic grading facility is there to evaluate performance.
  • Students can also review the upcoming test/assessment information of subjects. The whole exam will be password protected to save from unauthorization.
  • Administrators can also set the timer facility for each question to prevent the external use of the internet or any cheating resource.
  • SmartOAS manages credentials retrieval & updating facility by students.
  • SmartOAS also gives facility to create a routine test/practice test to measure skills of their students.
  • An instructor can also decide the minimum or maximum marks with defining the date of examination. The exam type can also be decided.
  • SmartOAS gives both automated and manual answer evaluation facilities for students/candidates.
  • Tests/examinations/assessments can also be conducted in multiple languages.
  • SmartOAS can also provide the tracking activities on browser i.e. – switching browser window, pasting answers etc.
  • SmartOAS completely removes the need for the review panel to travel at another location for evaluation.
  • SmartOAS enables instant reporting of results and records the timely progress of an individual in its database.