Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software -

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Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software Online Assessment System - Online Exam Software

How to manage the enquiries sent by the user(s) in the SmartOAS system?

  Steps (Manage User Enquiries):

  1.  Navigate to ‘User Enquiries’ from the sidebar.
  2.  A new page will be opened, there you will find a table using which you can manage the enquiries.
  3.  In it you can-
    1. Change the status of the enquiry or the multiple enquiries at the same time using the 'Select all enquiries' and the 'Mark selected as' buttons,
    2. Mark them as starred using the star icon present in the 'Mark' column,
    3. View the enquiry using the 'View' button present in the 'Actions' column.  

